Lifter Test Protocol from J.S. in JLN group








The primary effects of Why some given set up works better than another with lifters imay best served by the examination of the macro external electric field effects. As opposed to risking sustaining "contusions from leaping at conclusions" by attempting to "force a constructed guess to fit" into an area of physical sciences such as nuclear feature structures. After accurate observations are recorded a model and-or theory ought to be much much easier to develop, otherwise it is guessing about guesses much of the time.

If you make useful measurements then you have a beginning Basis for Matters governing the field shapes of electrostatic effect, Becasue then you will Know the Shape! Fields which are well known from being well mapped, will allow you to arrive at Useful Applications.

General commonalities of Lifters:


A) A small diameter wire feature

(usually ABOVE)

B) A thin "blade-like" feature

Are both common to nearly EVERY "lifter" design.

2) Both (A and (B) offer:

i] site of electric charge Concentration on features with small scale
ii] Item [i] results in High Field Gradient

3) Some simple examination will allow real world geometry to be made optimal by Exercising a simple set of Empirical Feature and Dimensional Iterations

4) Using...! underline using !... meaning "do-it-don't-guess-at-it" a fairly simple and straightforward set of physical progressions

5) Being sure to couple the experimental progression with a Moderately careful method of Measuring AND recording the Measurements.

One may arrive at a MAP


Suggested Progression and Measurement Protocol based on general electric fields effect resultant from structures driven by power supplies which exhibit:

High Voltage, low Current Output, DC or pulsed DC

Coupled with:
medium to high output impedance while "working into" Air, partial vacuum, high vacuum, low and high pressure gas mixtures

NOTE: ADDENDUM:: As an Important, but for the sake of measurements protocols in the near term, Separate issue, Tests of AC, time variant outputs may exhibit wide variations and need to be done, but are NOT the same as the DC work.

coupled with medium to high output impedance while "working into" Air, partial vacuum, high vacuum, low and high pressure gas mixtures


a] electric field magnitude
b] spatially selective electric field magnitude
c] rough Gradient of electric field magnitude
d] corona observed in dark room with dark adapted eye

AND: Any forces developed.... ie., lift, air movement,

NOTE: electric field magnitude as expressed by Corona can be roughly quantified by measuring the emission of violet, and ultra violet resulting for ionzation of the air immediately proximal to the field elements, ie., (A) and (B), from above AND emission of Ultrasonic sound and this latter is a common method used by electric power utility companies to examine HV transmission lines.

WARNING: Be careful working with HV in the dark
WARNING: Many "dark room" and other set-ups may not have good air circulation and Ozone
inhalation IS an issue to be wary of.

During the electric field magnitude study a Suggested progression
to follow::

a] keep HV the same.... run a progression THEN change the level lof HV, then run another progression

b] establish a straight-line feature, for example one side of one of the triangular lifters, and vary the spacing of A and B.... observe [a], immediately above, change dimension, and then repeat observation of [a], above to arrive at Spacing Dimension Data Set

c] run a progression on EACH one of given a set of straight-line features ..and then Change the Length for example of one side of one of the triangular lifters, and vary the spacing of A and B.... observe [a], immediately bove, change dimension, and then repeat observation of [a], above to arrive at Spacing Dimension Data Set.
